4 panel digipack with transparent tray in Slipcase.
The title of Cult of Fire's fifth full-length album is "The One, Who is Made of Smoke". Dedicated to the Goddess Dhumavati and all the widows of our world, it is the band's most personal and profound release to date.
The album is dedicated to Goddess Dhumavati and all the widows of our world. Devi Dhumavati is the seventh of the ten Mahavidya Goddesses, as there are seven songs on the album. To satisfy her extreme hunger, Dhumavati once swallowed Lord Shiva. Although she later spat him out at his request, Lord Shiva rejected her and cursed her to take the form of a widow. She is Dhuma, the Goddess of smoke. Always hungry and thirsty, she leads people away from the bondage of material desires to the journey of self-realization and spiritual rebirth.
Vlad, the founding member of Cult of Fire, visited one of the few Dhumavati temples in Varanasi, India. He brought many offerings to the Goddess along with the original album cover.
itself. The pujari of the temple gave him his blessing and a prasad from the ceremony.
The theme of the album revolves around a woman dealing with the profound loss of her closest companion. Isolated and abandoned by her family and society, she finds herself in a delicate balance between existence and oblivion. In this state of vulnerability, she awakens to a newfound purpose through her devotion to the Goddess Dhumavati. This spiritual journey brings richness to her life, filling it with happiness and love that transcends material concerns and focuses instead on divine connection.
Cult of Fire combines devotion to Devi Dhumavati with their personal journeys through profound loss and shared struggle. Woven together with their signature music, they have forged something truly unique.
1. Loss 3:22
2. Mourning 6:13
3. Anger 6:40
4. Dhoom 4:45
5. Bleesing 6:19
6. Joy 6:38
7. There is more to lose 5:27